Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sweat A- and Ab RIpper A- Overcoming the fear of taking Progress pictures

This morning I got my workout in early.. Been trying to lately. I did Sweat A and Ab Ripper A. I aslo finally put down the tape like Tony Horton says.. It really does help. It makes it hard when you imagine it.. I am proud of myself I got to day 3 of the 6 Day Shred.. I knew it would be hard.. Those type of restritive diets are not my thing. I will continue eating healhty and drinking water.. I just don't believe in counting calroies and diets. I get to bored with the same food over and over. Im shocked I made it 3 days. I burned 196 calories and got my heartrate to 113. Tomorrow is Sculpt A.

The second part of my blog post is a fear I need to get over. I have seen people be attacked over posting progress pictures ... As a fitness Coach I know I need to take them. People don't know what other people have been through or their story. But are so quick to judge. I will get through this. The other thing is what is the best way to take progress pictures? I see people take them all sorts of ways.. Any advice would be great on this..

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