Monday, December 1, 2014

Sweat B and Ab Ripper B- Never skip a Monday workout

Sweat B was longer and harder still doable, but a step up.. Some different moves Incorporated which I like.. I burned 316 calories and got my heart rate up to 120. Ab ripper B was long and some newer moves you can really feel it in your core and abs I am already sore :) I am a night owl by nature... But like getting my work outs in early so I have the rest of the day to work on my nutrition and water intake. Tomorrow is Sculpt B which I will be starting out with lighter weights since I know it will be harder and work my way up again.

Never miss a workout on a Monday!!!!!!!! Why? If you  miss a workout on Monday it starts your week off horribly. You feel off track.  Plus getting your workout in on Monday can make for a much better Monday.. Ever notice on the days you miss you feel groggy or your more aggravated. I am just so much more patient and enjoyable if I get my workout in.. It's that high. The natural high of the feeling when it is over :) That goes on throughout the day . So moral of this post.. Don't miss a Monday workout.. Schedule them  write out a time so no one disturbs you. It's your time be stingy take what you need.. Enjoy it ...

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